The Chapter's Annual General Meeting ("AGM") has been set for Wednesday October 2, 2019 (8:15 am to 8:45 am) at the BMO Conference Centre, 3550 Pharmacy Ave, Toronto ON M1W 3Z3.
All current (paid-up) members in good standing will be receiving an email notification by August 19, 2019, with information on the nomination and election process, as well as a Nomination Form for the Board of Directors. Completed Nomination Forms must be returned to the Chapter email address by September 4th, 2019 (11:59 pm).
There are thirteen positions on the board, of which seven directors are standing to be re-elected. Thus, there are six open positions on the board for which members in good standing can provide nominations.
Should an election be required, those members in good standing who are unable to attend the AGM in person will be able to cast their vote for directors through a ballot they will receive form the Chapter during the first week of September.
Please add this date into your calendar now! We look forward to your participation!
Thank you...Your Chapter Board of Directors